Who we are
Tim Freeman has a vast amount of expertise in project management, logistics, health and malaria control, He has over 40 years of experience running programs in developing countries, including Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Liberia and Mozambique, and consulting in many other countries including Kenya, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Tajikistan, India, Laos and the Solomon Islands.
This has given him a very wide perspective on many issues in health and program logistics and has worked with a number of leading organisations including the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and the Global Fund. Tim has also run two very large malaria control programs in eastern Afghanistan and PNG. In PNG, he was a program manager and major designer of a malaria program for over 14 years which had a budget of US$13 million per year and employing over one hundred staff. This program delivered over one million nets each year on a three-year revolving cycle to every village in PNG.
The program also organized the three-month delivery of malaria drugs and other commodities to every health center in PNG. Tim was instrumental in the logistic design of both these supply chains, and with his team, implemented these successfully.
Lorrie Tapora is the company’s Finance and Admin Manager and is also the Administrator of a Tuberculosis (TB) non-governmental program in Port Moresby which services the private sector. She has extensive experience in program administration and financial management.
We also have a network of experts that we can call on who can cover most aspects of health and logistics to assist where need be.
Together we have huge experience on what can be achieved in PNG and the most efficient way to do it.